Pro-active not reactive.

Black OPS Support Network's project aims to bring about impactful changes for individuals re-entering society after incarceration in Indianapolis. The overarching change sought is the successful and sustainable reintegration of program participants into the community, with a focus on reducing recidivism rates, fostering community support, encouraging long-term financial stability, and leveraging resource connections. A primary long-term goal of the organization is to lead to a reduction in recidivism rates among program participants and, by extension, in Marion County. By addressing fundamental challenges faced by re-entering individuals, such as employment barriers and housing instability, the organization aims to break the cycle of reoffending and support participants in achieving financial stability and long-term success.

Through strategic collaboration with community-based organizations and stakeholders, the organization endeavors to create a sense of belonging for clients within the community. By engaging a diverse range of partners, Black OPS Support Network aims to foster positive relationships and encourage community members to support and engage with the re-entering population, mitigating the societal stigmatization often faced by individuals with criminal records. Black OPS Support Network aims to implement a multifaceted approach to bring about positive, lasting change for individuals navigating the complex process of re-entry into society.

Quinton Ballew
CEO & President